Sunday, January 1, 2012

More On YARD Clean Up

So I have been involved with marketing for the past 4 years now. There have been times when I did not know what I was doing, and there were times when I was showing others how to do what they desire to be doing. In fact, I have motivated 3 individuals who mimicked the same business idea that I am about to introduce more to you as we venture further into the year of 2012.

Yard clean up is the business that I am going to enlighten you as well as your wallet with. When you can start a business, invest in the tools that you need, and reuse these materials with no further expense in order to complete task, that pay very well. These tasks will be completed within 2-6 hours, and you will not be as overwhelmed as you would normally be, with your basic 9-5 job. First you need to get some jobs. Here are some tips on how you can expand your yard clean up business intensively in the beginning.

Make Fliers with pictures and Distribute Door to Door ( Get 2 people to help you)
start with 200 fliers then 300 then 400. Distribute in Residential Neighborhoods, Garden Centers, Local Hardware Store and Senior Home Community, Rental Properties, Property management, and Realtors. Ask if you can leave a stack of 25 at their counter or newspaper stand for their customers to take. Don't forget to ask.

When you distribute you can knock door to door if you choose, and hand the fl yer directly to the person. You can approach anybody who is outside and ask them if they need some help cleaning up their backyard of any weeds or tree branches.

Put an ad in the Newspaper offering a discount. This will make your customer feel like they're getting a great deal.

Word of mouth. It takes time, but you can take it up a level more. Ask people in trades such as auto repair, Carpet Cleaning, Air Conditioner, Movers, Plumbers, etc, (people who drive around town providing services around the house for residents) if they can recommend your Landscaping Company for you, if you return the favor and recommend their service. At the same time you can ask if you can leave 25 fliers or business cards and maybe take a few of theirs to show good courtesy.

Ask existing customers if they can refer your company in exchange for a free service or special
discount. Even if they don't generate sales for you, keep your existing clients happy.

Do garden parties, or make a float during a parade. Also going on the radio can help get your name out in one broadcast, a few would be better. Use inserts in newspapers.

T-shirts for your company are very effective. Knock Door to Door when you are in the area performing a job. Tell the person your speaking to, that you are currently doing a job in the area and it wouldn't me to much trouble to have one of the guys come over and quote a price. This would save on anybody having to come out on a trip, cleaning it up, and having to haul it away in the future. I'm sure they would go for it, and be sure to ask if they can refer your company to their family and friends. Word of mouth works great in this business.

Making Fliers that work

1. capture attention picture/phrase

2. Leave Your information name,license number, business phone,
email and about you.

3. Remember your target market and who they are. The goods and services that you can provide them as well as the benefits they will receive over a long term period of time for these goods and services.

4. Experience or Credibility.

5. Include your Prices.

6. Put a Coupon or a special discount.
Is there a Snake Hiding in those weeds?

Contact Albert at 520-443-0607, for weed pulling,
tree trimming, hauling, rock layout, irrigation, clean
up, and much much more.

I have been working to clean up Tucson since I was really
young. From picking up trash in the neighborhood, to hauling
off tree branches from our thorny lemon tree to the dumpster,
I've experienced working labor in the outdoors. Last year, I had
ran into some hard times. Decided to post some ads on Craigslist
and developed a landscaping business. Unfortunately could not
undergo the jobs, with what little equipment I had, and no transportation.
I was able to save myself from debt for the moment, but eviction would
strike soon. Over a 9 month course I struggled to get back on my
feet. Finally I am here and have established a new way to continue
my business, while helping generate income for a few
other people who need help. Together we have achieved a great
team, that provides some of the top customer service here in Tucson.

Let us clean your yard now, so that it can be maintained every month, and
we have a chance to catch that hiding snake before it scares somebody.

I have 10 years experience landscaping, and my team has much more then
that. Get a friendly reliable team on your side to help clean up your yard.

We charge 22.50 to service fee within town

We charge 75 for one time visit clean up less than an hours work. Includes
the 22.50 and any dumping fees.

Longer jobs we charge 40 an hour for 1 man and 12 an hour for each additional
man after that.

Prices can be negotiated. We offer Free Estimates as well, so call for a ballpark

Hope to hear from you soon.


Where to deliver??

Neighborhoods, find the neighborhood bulletin board if they have one.

Free Newspaper Stands, Slip a few fliers in there when nobodies looking. It's not illegal.

STORES SUCH AS. Garden Centers, Local Hardware Store, Ace, Home Depot, and Senior Home Community, Rental Properties, Property management, and Realtors, Pep Boys, Break Masters, Tire changes, anywhere where people pay others to do the service for them.

Stand two people in front of a store and hand them directly to those coming in.

Walk through a parking lot and speak to those walking about your service, then hand them a fl yer.

You can put flyer's on cars, but this is annoying to drivers, and they will most likely just litter it there in the parking lot.

Never put flyer's in mailboxes this is illegal and is a Federal charge.

Target Events where alot of people will be.

Internet Marketing Goals and Accomplishments Motivation

Hope everybody had a quality New Year. It is now 2012 and more important, is the start of a new progress. Start getting yourself in a daily routine that will benefit your future.

Some people take the initiative to join a Home Business to try to expand their income, other work out to try to expand their health. Even I as a Marketer am expanding this new year.

I do think that it's rather ridiculous to have to wait until New Years to gain motivation for reaching your goals. If you ask me, I think people should be focusing on goals and accomplishments all year long. You shouldn't have to wait for the calender year to change.

I've had a few people ask me, what is the point in trying for anything in 2012, the world is just going to end. That is not true, but you should always take the negative off your mind, and make room for the positive. Negative thoughts are not what reaches accomplishment.

For now, I am working on building a .Com for my Yard Clean Up Business. I have been working on new marketing advertisement material, that I've been creating in paint, and am researching new ways to improve.

If you have any questions about marketing, or would like to start making money for yourself in this New Year, contact me via email and I will be happy to help you out.

Much Success,

Albert Dutton