There are a lot of methods out there to Internet Marketing. Generating leads for marketers is their number one source of income. Without leads, there would not be Internet Marketing income.
Some Marketers have gone as far as setting up fake lifestyles along with profiles to go with these lifestyles. They may appear an attractive female model, when it's really a 32 year old guy with only one intention. This intention is to make you buy into the promoted product.
Yes Internet Marketing is all about promoting a product or service. This is similar to any business conduction. You must decided with product or service (niche) is best for you. Once you have chosen this niche, you just stand strong behind it, in order to get the gears turning in the right direction. You don't want to promote clothing items, when you are really passionate about technology. You may find yourself unhappy and falling to fail behind.
Number one in Internet marketing is that you have to be passionate about your product or service that you are promoting. This is because you are the face of your company. If you decide to use a logo as the face of your company, you are still the name behind your company. You always want to be honest in your position. Your company grows based on the actions that your portrait. You cannot win, unless you put forth the right kind of effort towards your goals.
I for one would never hide behind a fake profile. Although I admit to making a few of them, they never paid up. So if you are thinking about going that route, just know, that it's a for sure dead end.
Today I use my first and last name as my person. Why do I do this, because that is me, and I don't want to be anybody else. When I lead a team of 50 to earnings of over a thousand dollars per month, I don't want a fake name or profile getting the recognition, I want to be getting the recognition. This is why so many people work hard, to succeed. You hear of these big companies with a last name and last name title. This is because they have formed a partnership. Never does that Partnership cheat.
Internet Marketing allows a person to sit in the comfort of their environment away from where business is usually conducted. Instead of meeting with a client and having them sign the paper work, you can just email the files over to them. Instead of having to go door to door and leave a flier on doors, you can send your fliers out through email to only those who have requested the information. Internet Marketing does allow you to change up the game plan, but not to much to where you become deceptive. Always keep your head on the right path when conducting business, and remember to aim for the stars.
This completes this blog on Internet Marketing the Honest Way