There are many places to marketing your business online. You may want to start out utilizing some of the free sites that allow you to sign up and start posting immediately.
Those who invest in the beginning with out obtaining knowledge of posting advertisement, may be throwing their dollars away. It is always best to get your feet wet slightly when it comes to posting ads online. Get a feel for what it's like to go through the process, add pictures, and even change up the HTML code.
Paid advertisement programs are great since they do get your name out in front of a high paying community. These may be a community of prospects who are interested in your type of service or products. Something that they are familiar with, and may have already purchased online before. The fact is that, it's best to use the money made from the free posting done, into paid advertisement in order to further expand your business.
Other places online to post are Forums, Status Updates, and Link Exchange Sites.
Doing a Google search will answer alot more questions then this blog will, but if you want to hear it from a human being, go ahead and contact me.